How To Open a Laundry Business

How To Open a Laundry Business

How To Open a Laundry Business – Doing business is one way to earn income. And there are so many types of businesses that you can start. One of them is the laundry business. In addition to simple operations, it is not difficult to develop this business into several branches.

Laundry has a fairly broad market share. Almost everyone who owns clothes is a Laundry market. It’s just that, not everyone is used to washing in the laundry, it could be the mother, wife and maid who wash clothes.

But you can touch more specific markets, namely housewives, travelers, students, and the hotel business. Most of them need a laundry to wash their clothes.

In this article, we will detail what you prepare to open a laundry business. Starting from equipment, operations and marketing.

How to Start a Laundry Business

Laundry Equipment Needs

1. Clothes Box

The clothes box is a place to store clothes that have been washed and are neat. The existence of this box helps you classify customer orders. Where each customer brings more than one shirt. You can fold it, wrap it with vacuum plastic and arrange it in the box.

2. Cashier table

You can use the cash register along with the front liner. The main task of a frontliner is to serve every customer who comes. Weighing dirty clothes, giving prices and notes, and receiving payment after clothes are finished or before clothes are finished.

3. Scales

The scale serves as a measuring tool for customer’s dirty clothes. Each weight measure determines the price the customer will pay you. Choose a digital scale with a capacity of up to 30Kg. With a large load you also prepare a clothes basket for the weighing process.

4. Washing Machine

The washing machine is the main tool for this business, choose a front loading washing machine or a washing machine that can wash one way. The goal is to make it easier for you to move your clothes while they are rinsing and drying.

5. Dry Cleaning

Dry cleaning is a tool for cleaning clothes without water and washing machines. The tool is like a steam iron, by providing a special steam to remove dirt that sticks to clothes. Usually only expensive clothes can go through dry cleaning.

6. Iron

Laundry always needs an iron just like laundry needs a washing machine. This tool aims to tidy up wrinkled clothes. After the clothes are neat, you can wrap them in plastic press. Then provide information on who the owner of the clothes is.

7. Perfume Display

The perfume display case is usually located next to the front liner desk. So that customers can choose directly the perfume samples that are displayed. From this window, you can sell other unique items that are still relevant to laundry, such as perfume, clothes or belts, etc.

Organizational Structure in Laundry Business

1. Business Name

Create your business name. Imagine a name that represents your business, survey whether the name is already used by someone else, and determine the name you choose. The name should be easy to remember and read.

2. Organizational Structure

Laundry business is an organization that has a simple structure. He only needs 1 leader / general manager, then washers and front liners. However, a general manager must be able to manage finances for one unit and even for many branches.

3. Permissions

Licensing for laundry depends on the regulations in your area. Usually you have to meet environmental requirements such as waste treatment, water disposal, and fire fighting safety. And licensing for laundry isn’t as difficult as a chemical or food business.

Laundry Business Marketing System

1. Online

Laundry business marketing can be done online, such as websites, Facebook, Google, Instagram and local marketplaces. Provide complete info for each platform. Connect and share links to social media and whatsapp status.

2. Offline

Offline marketing for laundry can be through brochures, offer letters to hotels and hospitals. Until you can spread your business through word of mouth. You can make uniforms and you distribute them to your employees.

Those are the tips on How To Open a Laundry Business. Don’t forget to check out our other articles : Automotive Business Ideas

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