The Best Practice for Optimizing Landing Pages for Google Ads

The Best Practice for Optimizing Landing Pages for Google Ads?

Optimizing Landing Pages for Google Ads? – The title above is a description to find out tips and tricks for optimizing landing pages. In this article we will discuss about Landing pages for Google Ads. Come see!

Google Ads is an advertising platform from Google for ad publishers, usually people who have small businesses, even large companies often use Google ads.

So let’s find out how Google Ads work and how to optimize landing pages for Google Ads.

How Google Ads Work

Advertising using google is quite unique than through other platforms. Because, google is a giant search engine with users almost all people on earth.

Everyone often uses this search engine, such as looking for the definition of something in search, looking for places to eat on google maps, looking for entertainment content on youtube.

And everyone can search something easily in google platform and partners. The so-called Google platforms include Gmail, Google Maps, Google Search and discovery. While Google’s partners are websites, YouTube and applications.

Google will display your ad on these Google partner platforms and sites, including websites and YouTube. For that, prepare the right campaign goals for your business ads.

Optimizing Keyword Landing Pages

A landing page is a page on a website or social media that contains information or an invitation to buy products and services.

Let’s say we have a website, which contains an explanation of your business (company profile). Others contain blogs and landing pages.

Especially for the landing page, we can create according to the products / services offered or campaigned.

For example, we have a special landing page for selling used motorcycles. Which is different from a landing page specifically for used car sales.

Specify invitations to potential buyers based on keywords, we can look for potential buying keywords on Google Trends and Ahrefs.

Equate the keywords on the landing page and the keywords in Google ads. So that the cost of conversion becomes cheaper.

As an illustration, you write the keyword about “used car prices in California” but in your ad keyword you write “where to buy a used car in California”.

Settings like that will increase the cost of conversion, because with Google services people can find places to sell used cars.

It’s different if people search for “used car prices in California” without significant Google services, people can search organically.

If you make the same keywords between the landing page and the sound of Google ads. “Where to buy a used car in California”. It will be more efficient, because the role of organic is still a consideration for Google in charging advertising costs.

Optimizing Landing Page Structure

Making a landing page structure can use the AIDA formula (awareness, interest, desire, action) Start with important information, which makes people interested to buy.

But there is also another formula, namely Zero Moment of Truth (ZMOT). At this event we are more focused on the experience of our consumers.

It could be by highlighting the benefits of our products, the convenience, advantages and urgency of why people should buy our products.

Show it with original testimony, provide a link to google maps that displays our high business rating. Or through video testimonials uploaded on Instagram / YouTube.

Finally, give a clear call to action, in terms of coloring, images, buttons and final links when the button / image is clicked.

Give click directions to a personal chat or telephone directly, because usually everyone wants to be served quickly and in real time.

This is the best practice for optimizing landing pages for google ads. Good luck.

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