View Competitor with Facebook Ads Library

View Competitor with Facebook Ads Library

View Competitor with Facebook Ads Library  – Some of the advertisers may already know about Facebook ads. An advertising platform from Facebook that has many features and benefits. One of them is advertising on Instagram and Facebook at the same time through the Facebook Ads Manager.

But you know, there is a unique feature available on Facebook ads, namely the Facebook Ads Library. You can use this tool to find out competitor ads. Free tools from Facebook that are useful for your online advertising strategy. Interesting right?

In this article, we will cover the secrets of the Ads Library. Starting from the benefits, to its strategic designation in reading competitors’ ads. Read on for this article!

View Competitor Ads with Facebook Ads Library

Facebook Ads Library is a free feature to view the history of ads that have served on the Facebook platform. Not only that, we can see the history of ads that run on Instagram, Messenger and Audience Network.

When you use this feature, you can find out information about your competitors, such as the company that created your competitor’s ad campaign, until when and where the ad appears. Including the content of the ad content.

Unfortunately, you can only see certain ads as long as their status is still active. But don’t worry, you can monitor competitor ads more regularly. Meanwhile, for political ads and social issues, you can still access them even if their status is no longer active.

Interestingly, you can access this ads library feature without a Facebook account. This is Facebook’s effort to promote fair play and public transparency. Of course our ads can be seen by competitors and vice versa.

Benefits of Competitor Ad Analysis

Competitor research is a basic skill that must be possessed by a digital marketing and marketing manager. The main benefit is knowing the steps of competitors, emulating what is good and outperforming them in our more attractive ways.

1. Adding New Ideas

When you have a lot of advertising using Facebook, of course you feel bored and need new ideas. This way you can see the style of language, display images, and where the competitor’s call to action is.

You can see more than one competitor. And encapsulate your ideas into creatives that are more unique than your other competitors. That way your ad is more likely to attract the hearts of your potential customers.

2. Mapping Business Competition

Be aware that you are not opening a business alone, many of the other businesses are growing beyond yours. How can you measure the progress of your business if you do not know who your business competitors are.

It is a positive thing if we have business competitors, we are much easier to read the market share without having to spend time on research. By looking at them we can imagine things much better than their way.

3. Steal your Competitors’ Traffic

And we can more easily steal customer traffic just by following the competitor’s pattern, such as a nearby local place. If it has to do with online traffic, you can copy the hashtags and keywords they use.

Included in the Facebook Ads Library to see competitor ads, are you going to be silent when your competitors advertise massively? Instead you can imitate their steps, outperform their ways.

Researching competitors using the Facebook Ads Library

You can do competitor research with many tools, one of which is this facebook ads library. And some of the important things you can see from competitors’ ads are their advertising patterns, such as images, copywriting, ad targets, and when they advertise.

1. Material Drawing

See how they advertise, with that image what they present. The layout of the headline, the coloring of the text, the illustration of the image, or they create a carousel-type image.

The way you imitate them, see who has the most number of likes and comments. In general, people like attractive images, with a large number of likes and comments, you can assume that the image is what the audience is interested in.

2. Copywriting

How do they use the language, what do they feature in the ad. Everyone has a tendency to want to make a profit, our language can make them think that they will benefit from our product.

The sound of the headline, tagline, call to action will determine the flow of customer purchases. Also pay attention to the language they use for adults or teenagers. If you want to imitate it, make a copywriting example, then give it to the people closest to you, if they are interested in your language.

3. Target Ads

In this section we see who they are targeting. What do they expect from the audience, whether in the form of prospects so that the audience can fill in their biodata or in the form of hard selling which requires direct chat to customer service.

Sometimes ads don’t have to be in the form of sales, some are in the form of brand awareness, some increase visits or followers. Find out what they are advertising for. And don’t get left behind when it comes to promotion, including brand awareness.

4. When They Advertise

At first glance this doesn’t really matter, but it will be important if the promotion they make is almost the same as you will do. So that there is no price war or the distribution of buyer traffic.

Imagine if they first published an ad for a fashion exhibition, of course you shouldn’t make the same theme. Create a different theme or wait for their promotion to end. It’s better for you to attend the exhibition and look for the shortcomings, then don’t use their weaknesses, but provide advantages in your event.

Thus, the article View Competitor with Facebook Ads Library. You can see our other articles :

The Best Practice for Optimizing Landing Pages for Google Ads?

How to Research Competitors and Tracking Tools

Online Business Competitors, Definition and How to Beat Them

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