Online Advertising Platform

8 Online Advertising Platform Online Marketing Must Know

Online advertising platforms have become the backbone of effective marketing strategies. An online advertising platform is a place where advertisers can create, manage and distribute their advertising campaigns to their target audience.

In this article, we’ll explore the most popular online advertising platforms and detail how they operate, their benefits, as well as a practical guide to utilizing them effectively in your marketing efforts.

Online Advertising Platform Online

Learning about online advertising platforms has a lot of importance, especially in the modern digital era. Apart from that, it is important for you to know that the world of online advertising continues to change and develop.

Therefore, learn constantly about the latest developments in online advertising platforms. Especially the trend of creating digital advertising content. Each component is key to remaining relevant and successful in an increasingly competitive business world. The following are various online advertising platforms.

1. Google Ads

Googel Ads

1.1 What is Google Ads?

Google Ads, previously known as Google AdWords, is an online advertising platform managed by Google. This allows advertisers to display their ads in Google search engine results and the Google advertising network, including Google partner websites and apps.

1.2 Google Ads Benefits:

a. Precise Targeting

Google Ads allows advertisers to target audiences based on keywords, geolocation, interests and even online behavior. So that all products will be suitable for using Google Ads campaigns.

b. Accurate Measurement

You can track how successful your ads are with various metrics, such as click rate (CTR), conversions, and ROI. You can also measure conversions based on conversion tracking and impression share.

c. Cheap Costs

Google is the cheapest advertising platform if you are good at using it. Detail your targeting and use consumer behavior analysis to sharpen your advertising fire.

d. Budget Flexibility

You can control your daily or monthly budget and change it as needed. Make sure you change the range 25% down or up. Because the Google engine will adjust your budget so that advertising doesn’t have a bad impact.

e. Multiple Ad Formats

Google Ads supports a variety of ad formats, including text ads, display ads, video ads, and Shopping ads for ecommerce. Additionally you can choose the campaign type, such as maximum performance, smart campaign and location campaign.

1.3 Practical Guide:

a. Keyword Research

Conduct in-depth keyword research to determine the keywords most relevant to your business. Split between keyword types like Broad match, Phrase match, Exact match.


Use the right targeting options to reach the right audience. For example, target locations around the area for local businesses and target demographics according to age, gender and income range.

c. Landing Page

Create relevant and engaging ads with strong headlines and clear descriptions. Make sure there are similarities between the keywords on the landing page and the keywords in the ad.

d. Evaluation

Conduct A/B testing to find the most effective advertising formula. AB testing is like running two ads with different strategies, this will lead to a winning campaign.

2. Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads

2.1 What are Facebook Ads?

The online advertising platform that most people know about is Facebook ads. Facebook Ads is an advertising platform managed by Facebook. This allows advertisers to create ads that appear on the Facebook and Instagram homepages, as well as in the Facebook Audience Network which includes partner websites and apps.

2.2 Benefits of Facebook Ads:

Detailed Targeting: Facebook Ads allow targeting based on demographics, interests, behavior, and even user data from your own website.

a. Comprehensive Measurement

You can track a number of metrics, such as engagement rates, conversions, and customer retention. Engagement such as likes, shares and comments. Conversions such as direct sales or location visits. And retention is like how long your content is viewed.

b. Diverse Ad Formats

You can create text ads, images, videos, carousel ads and more. Use images with several scales, portrait, square and landscape for placement of feeds, stories and reels.

c. Direct Interaction with Customers

Facebook ads allow customers to interact with your ad, such as commenting or clicking the “Contact Now” button. Most advertisers implement reach strategies to increase brand awareness.

2.3 Practical Guide

a. Targeting

Understand your target audience well and use the targeting features that Facebook provides to reach them. But before that you can analyze the database you have, who they are, what their background is, and how to find them. On Facebook there are settings to target specific people. Use it.

b. Content

Create relevant and engaging content that suits the platform (for example, short videos for Instagram Stories). Understand your audience, how old they are and what their hobbies are. That will help you create content that speaks to their age and interests.

c. Evaluation

Conduct A/B testing to optimize your ads over time. Similar to Google Ads, but AB testing on Facebook is more about content composition and audience interests. It is not uncommon to run A/B tests using more budget.

3. Instagram Ads

Instagram Ads

3.1 What are Instagram Ads?

One of the best online advertising platforms is Instagram. Instagram Ads is an advertising platform integrated with Instagram, which is owned by Facebook. It allows advertisers to create ads that are displayed in users’ Instagram streams.

3.2 Benefits of Instagram Ads:

a, Powerful Visuals

Instagram is an image-based platform, so visual ads have a big impact. Here, many users attach importance to image quality and image composition that attracts attention.

b. Detailed Targeting

You can target audiences based on interests, demographics, and behavior. Just like Facebook because they are one meta platform. However, Instagram is more suitable for products with middle to upper segmentation.

c. High Engagement

Instagram often has high engagement rates, meaning users are likely to interact with ads. You can insert a call-to-action for further interaction.

d. Connectivity with Facebook Ads

You can manage Instagram ads through the same advertising platform as Facebook Ads. However, to advertise simultaneously you need to log in using Facebook Ads Manager.

3.3 Practical Guide

a. High definition

Make sure the images or videos you use are very attractive and match Instagram’s aesthetic. It cannot be denied that high quality images or videos are more recommended on the viewer’s homepage.

b. Ad Creative

Take advantage of various ad formats such as photo, video and story ads. Maximize the right target audience, even those who rarely visit Facebook.

c. CTA

Don’t forget to include invitation messages in images, videos and captions so that they are clear and don’t miss the moment. You can also enable appropriate “Follow Up” buttons to direct users to your website or product page.

4. Twitter Ads

Twitter Ads

4.1 What are Twitter Ads?

Twitter Ads is an advertising platform managed by Twitter. This allows advertisers to create ads that appear in users’ Twitter streams or in Twitter search results.

4.2 Benefits of Twitter Ads

Real-time Search: Twitter is a platform that focuses on real-time information, which can be useful for advertising campaigns related to news or live events.

a. Accurate Targeting

You can target based on keywords, interests, location and more. This will determine the audience you will show your ad to. First analyze whether your target is correct based on the content you create.

b. Engagement with Consumers

Twitter allows direct interaction between users and ads through replies, retweets and likes. You can also add custom links to direct them to your site or to a specific page.

c. Ad Flexibility

You can create text ads, image ads, video ads, and app-based ads. Of course, based on the posting space available on Twitter.

4.3 Practical Guide

a. Creative Ads

Create ads that match Twitter moods and trending issues. You can maximize the performance of content creators to create unique, cool or funny content. So that the audience is interested in seeing your ad.

b. Keyword Analysis

Use relevant keywords to increase your ad visibility. You can research keywords through Ahrefs, Semrush or Google Trends tools. This increases your chances of reaching relevant viewers.

c. Interaction

Monitor conversations and interactions with your ads and respond quickly. The more actively you respond to comments, the better the algorithm of your posts will be.

5. LinkedIn Ads

Linkedin Ads

5.1 What are LinkedIn Ads?

The best online advertising platform for work and business is LinkedIn. LinkedIn Ads is an advertising platform managed by LinkedIn. This allows advertisers to show targeted ads to professionals and businesses on LinkedIn.

5.2 Benefits of LinkedIn Ads
a. Professional Targeting

LinkedIn is a professional network that allows targeting by job, company, industry, and more. You can use a premium account or use LinkedIn’s advertising engine to target your audience.

b. Business Context

LinkedIn Ads are suitable for business purposes such as hiring employees, promoting B2B services, and building brand awareness in the business world.

c. Relevant Ads

With a demographic focused on professionals, LinkedIn ads tend to be more relevant to its audience. Due to their professional nature, LinkedIn ads can have higher conversion rates for B2B businesses

5.3 Practical Guide

a. Advertising Concept

Create ads that match LinkedIn’s professional nature and use images and text that illustrate your business values. Provide value that can benefit your target, so that your target is interested in interacting.

b. Targeting

Take advantage of precise targeting options and test different segmentations to see which is most effective. You can use targeting according to profession, position and interests.

c. Outbound Link

Use links that direct users to your business page or offer downloads of eBooks or guides. This can increase the likelihood of conversions on your ads via certain pages outside of LinkedIn.

6. YouTube Ads

Youtube Ads

6.1 What are YouTube Ads?

YouTube Ads is an advertising platform integrated with the world’s largest video sharing website, YouTube. This allows advertisers to show their video ads before or during the video a user is watching.

6.2 Benefits of YouTube Ads

a. Powerful Visuals and Audio:

Video ads have a big visual and audio impact. Create a duration of 5 seconds, 15 seconds and above 1 minute. The goal is for the types of video ads that can be skipped and those that cannot be skipped

b. Detailed Targeting

You can target based on interests, demographics, and user behavior.

c. Active Engagement

Users who click on video ads are generally more committed than users who only see text or image ads. Video ads allow you to tell a story and consider longer-form content.

6.3 Practical Guide

a. Create Interesting Videos

Make sure your video is interesting from the start to grab your audience’s attention. At least the first 3 seconds determine the retention of your video. Provide an attractive cover image to get viewers to click on your ad.

b. Targeting

Take advantage of the targeting options provided by YouTube to reach the most relevant audiences. You can also use additional tools such as tubebuddy or ahrefs to see the right keywords and targeting

c. Use Metrics

Use YouTube measurement metrics to see how successful your videos are and how you can improve them. Pay attention to retention, clicks and ad click rate.

7. Pinterest Ads

Pinterest Ads

7.1 What are Pinterest Ads?

An online advertising platform that few people know about is Pinterest ads. Pinterest Ads is an advertising platform integrated with Pinterest, a platform for sharing ideas and visual inspiration. This allows advertisers to display image or video ads that appear on users’ pinboards.

7.2 Benefits of Pinterest Ads

a. Compelling Visuals

Pinterest is an image-based platform, so visual ads have a big impact. Use attractive and high-quality images, provide an image concept that suits your advertising niche.

b. Inspiration and Intent

Pinterest users often look for inspiration for projects and purchases, which makes Pinterest advertising effective for brands that sell consumer products. However, you can also look for a prospectus with content they like so that you can provide education regarding your product.

c. Direct Link to Website

Pinterest ads can be an inspiring idea, not just a direct sale. You can direct users directly to your product page or website. This is interesting because many website users generate traffic through Pinterest.

7.3 Practical Guide

a. Aesthetics

Create ads that fit Pinterest’s aesthetic and inspire users. Pinterest can read your image/video content. So make it unique and interesting.

b. Targeting and Keywords

Take advantage of targeting options based on interests and keywords. You can fill in keywords, alt image, hashtags and keywords in the description.

c. Original and HD content

Make sure your ad has high-quality images or videos. This aims to attract more attention than your competitors on Pinterest.

8. Bing Ads

Bing Ads

8.1 What is Bing Ads?

Bing Ads, now known as Microsoft Advertising, is an online advertising platform managed by Microsoft. It provides advertisers with the opportunity to showcase their ads in Bing search engine results, as well as on Microsoft’s advertising network, which includes partner websites and apps.

8.2 Bing Ads Benefits

a. Precise Targeting

One of the key advantages of Bing Ads is its precise targeting capabilities. Advertisers can target their audience based on keywords, geographic location, user interests, and online behavior. This precision allows for highly relevant ad placements.

b. Accurate Measurement

Microsoft Advertising offers a range of metrics for measuring the success of ad campaigns. Advertisers can track metrics such as click-through rate (CTR), conversions, return on investment (ROI), and use conversion tracking to measure campaign performance accurately.

c. Cost-Effective Advertising

Bing Ads can be cost-effective, especially when properly optimized. Advertisers who strategically target their audience and analyze consumer behavior can maximize their advertising budget’s efficiency.

d. Budget Flexibility

Advertisers have the flexibility to set daily or monthly budgets and adjust them as needed. Microsoft Advertising can automatically adjust your budget to ensure your campaigns continue running effectively without overspending.

e. Multiple Ad Formats

Microsoft Advertising supports various ad formats, including text ads, display ads, video ads, and Shopping ads for e-commerce. Advertisers can choose from different campaign types, such as search ads, display ads, and native ads, to align with their marketing objectives.

8.3 Practical Guide

a. Keyword Research

Start by conducting keyword research to identify the most relevant and high-converting niches/topics for your business. Categorize keywords into different match types, such as Broad match, Phrase match, and Exact match, to refine targeting.

b. Targeting

Utilize the targeting options provided by Microsoft Advertising to reach your desired audience effectively. Tailor your targeting based on location, demographics (age, gender, income range), and other relevant factors.

c. Landing Page Optimization

Create compelling ads with attention-grabbing headlines and clear descriptions. Ensure that the keywords used in your ads align with the content on your landing page. A seamless user experience from ad to landing page can improve conversion rates.

d. A/B Testing

Implement A/B testing to refine your advertising strategy. Run multiple ad variations with different strategies to determine which performs best. Analyze the results and make adjustments based on the data to optimize your campaign, such as budget adjustments and negative keywords.

By following these guidelines and leveraging the capabilities of Bing Ads, advertisers can effectively reach their target audience and achieve their advertising goals on the Microsoft Advertising platform.


Online advertising platforms are a powerful means of reaching your target audience, building brand awareness and increasing sales. Each platform has its own unique characteristics and advantages, and choosing a platform that suits your goals is the key to success.

In the ever-evolving world of digital advertising, understanding online advertising platforms is an important step in achieving your marketing success. With the right strategy and a deep understanding of your audience, you can exploit the full potential of online advertising platforms.

Those of you who are enthusiastic about digital marketing must understand how each online advertising platform works. Keep learning, take online courses or watch tutorials on YouTube.

Also Read:
  1. What is Ads: Complete Explanation of Ads
  2. View Competitor with Facebook Ads Library
  3. The Best Practice for Optimizing Landing Pages for Google Ads
  4. Online Advertising Media: Types and Strategies
  5. Exploring Business Conducted Over The Internet

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