How to marry an Indonesian

How To Marry an Indonesian

How to marry an Indonesian – Indonesia is a country with many islands and cultural tribes. This country is famous for the friendliness of its people and is famous for its culture, a legacy of the Hindu-Buddhist kingdom. But now the majority of people embrace Islam.

Many media describe Indonesia as a country with a high level of terrorists, even though you cannot find peace in Indonesia in any other country. Only a handful of certain parties want to disrupt inter-religious harmony in Indonesia.

Imagine, only Indonesia has adherents of various religions, has many subcultures, but lives side by side peacefully. Mutual respect for other religions and respect for other cultures. Even though Indonesians like to joke and seem disturbing to serious people.

Marrying an Indonesian is true happiness. Indonesian people are very fond of their partners. They are oriented towards the personality development of their children. To grow up to be a dutiful child to both parents.

From this brief explanation, are you interested in marrying an Indonesian? Check out the article below.

Indonesian Characters

There are some common characteristics of Indonesians that you may or may not suit yourself. For example, positive characteristics such as likes to help. Likes to greet, and likes to give a smile. Meanwhile, negative characters like talking about other people, being lazy, and joking too much.

Indonesian Male Character

Indonesian men are known for their affectionate nature, they will look childish if they feel in love. However, there are also male characters who are firm and authoritative.

For those of you who are looking for a romantic and humorous life partner. of course, Indonesian men are the answer. However, if you are looking for a rich Indonesian partner, look for the most responsible and reliable one.

Indonesian Female Characters

Indonesian female characters often look sad and seem less enthusiastic and passive. However, there are also characteristics of Indonesian women who are naughty and fond of nightlife.

Of course, what might be the main guarantee is the motherly nature of Indonesian women who are ideals. They can care for and look after their children well even though they are in a state of material shortage.

Indonesian women like watching Korean movies, snacking in the middle of the night, being spoiled, and being too dependent on their parents.

Indonesian Culture

Indonesia consists of many sub-cultures. The most dominant are Javanese, Sundanese, Balinese, and Malay. To be considered a friendly foreigner, you must be able to speak the regional Javanese language. At least, with a Javanese accent.

Marriage Culture in Indonesia

The culture of marriage in Indonesia almost has similarities in each region. This is because the majority of Indonesia’s population embraces Islam.

There is a striking difference in traditional rituals. if Sumatra has the custom to buy women gifts. if Javanese custom has a Pingit tradition where women are not allowed to leave the house before their wedding day.

When the wedding was held, the neighbors helped and enlivened the event.

Family Culture in Indonesia

In Indonesia, it is synonymous with family harmony. Many of the children who are married still live at their parent’s house, helping their parents with their work, often holding family gatherings.

Families in Indonesia are very friendly to their in-laws, often parents still help with their children’s household needs. However, some children migrate and choose to live far from their parents because of their work.

If you marry an Indonesian, be prepared to get to know their parents personally. Because they like people who are open, polite, and kind.

Try to bring up light things like their parents’ everyday habits or how they spent their time from when they were young. Because Indonesians love to tell stories about history.

How To Marry an Indonesian

The way that you can marry an Indonesian is the same as you marry from another country. There are no special tricks to make you attractive to Indonesians. Because human tastes cannot be forced.

However, there must be a way for the two to feel compatible. One of them, by learning the Indonesian language, that way the communication between the two individuals becomes smooth and synergistic.

Learn Indonesian

Learning Indonesian is not difficult. You can search for tutors on youtube, and you can open multilingual translation sites. Starting from light conversational language, such as “hello, how are you?”, “What is your name?” and “I like you”

Indonesian is a derivative of Malay and Sanskrit. Malay is the main language of Malaysia, while Sanskrit comes from Indian languages. Although there are many absorption languages ​​originating from Dutch.

Learning Javanese

Javanese is the most unique language and represents the figure of an innocent and friendly Indonesian. This is because Javanese culture has become a role model in terms of education and leading figures, such as President Joko Widodo.

Java is an island that stretches across the southern part of Indonesia, with the strongest cultural traditions, namely Yogyakarta and Surakarta. You can study the area to get to know Indonesian people.

Meeting With Indonesian People

No matter what country you come from, to be able to marry an Indonesian you have to be able to meet them. There are various ways that you can meet them. Both from education, and online applications.

However, you have to prepare yourself, many of us are surprised by the attitude of Indonesians who like to joke, joke, and seem impolite. For that, find quality Indonesians. That is characteristic, polite, broad-minded, and concerned about your situation.

Through The Meet Application

There are many kinds of online meet applications. One of them is omeTV, Tiktok, to applications such as Tinder. You can download the application from Play Store or AppStore. Intend to get acquainted and exchange cultural information, not to be weird.

With this application, we are helped a lot to connect in various parts of the world. We can meet through video screens and can spread messages of peace to one another. For that be a person full of peace.

Student Exchange

Becoming an outstanding student besides being the pride of parents, is also the pride of the country. Because outstanding students can study in various other countries. To study the ways, culture, and development of their country.

You can take an international class program to be able to study in a chosen country like Indonesia. Don’t hesitate to learn about this country, because in Indonesia there are lots of creative people even with limited equipment.

Vacation to Indonesia

Maybe you rarely hear the term Indonesia, but you must often hear about Bali. Yes, Bali is in the Indonesian archipelago. Try your plan to be able to vacation in this area.

Other areas in Indonesia are no less famous, such as Lombok, Mentawai, Papua, Jakarta, Bandung, and Yogyakarta. Welcome to Indonesia.

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