Marketing Techniques-In Times of Crisis

15 Effective Marketing Techniques In Times of Crisis

Marketing techniques in times of crisis  – Times of crisis or recession are major challenges for businesses around the world. Declining consumer spending, economic uncertainty, and intensifying competition could leave many businesses struggling to survive. However, with a smart marketing approach, you can stay relevant, attract customers, and even thrive during times of recession. In this article, we will explore some effective marketing techniques to deal with times of recession.

Marketing Techniques in Times of Crisis

1. Understand Your Customers More Deeply

A deep understanding of customers is the key to success in marketing during times of recession. You need to know what they need, want, and how they respond to economic changes. This could include data analysis of previous purchase behavior, customer surveys, and customer interviews. This information will help you better adjust your marketing strategy.

During downturns, you can shift your resources to customers. This means you can take more approaches and surveys. That way you can focus on what your customers want. On the other hand, you can calculate the benefits related to what your customers want.

2. Focus on Value and Solutions

During times of recession, consumers may pay more attention to value than price. Show how your product or service provides significant value to them. Explain how your product can help them solve a problem or meet their needs. Work hard to provide relevant and effective solutions.

When times of crisis come, customers tend to withhold money, or buy only important products/services. So what happens is that consumers will tend to bargain the price of your product / service at a cheaper price. It does not mean you immediately reduce the price, you can adjust the price but still provide value for your product.

3. Optimize Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is a powerful tool for reaching customers during times of recession. With more people spending more time online, make sure that your digital presence is strong. It involves investing in online advertising campaigns, SEO optimization, and a strong presence on social media. Make sure your website is user-friendly and easy to access.

When you undergo offline marketing you need to innovate marketing to online marketing. If you are interested in consulting services or website creation services, dr.adsmedia is ready to help you.

4. Wise Special Offers and Discounts

Discounts and special offers can be an effective way to encourage purchases during times of recession. However, don’t sacrifice your profit margins. Consider selective discounts or offer additional rewards, such as free shipping or better after-sales service.

Every customer who calls or comes to your store, at least they are interested in your product. So, build communications that position customers in advantage. That is, make them feel lucky with discounts and bonuses from you.

5. Keep Communication Open

Don’t let your customers feel neglected during times of recession. Keep open communication with them. Tell them about steps you’re taking to respond to a recession, such as price changes or refund policies.

Provide regular updates on new products and services that may be useful to them. Communication is useful for maintaining the image of your brand, product or service in the minds of your consumers.

6. Invest in Customer Retention

Retaining existing customers is often more economical than finding new customers. Consider loyalty programs or incentives for loyal customers. This could include exclusive discounts, early access to new products, or better customer service.

7. Product and Service Updates

Updates to your products or services can help maintain customer interest and attract new ones. Consider adding new features, improving quality, or even putting out new products that fit market needs during a recession.

8. Monitor and Evaluate Your Performance

During times of recession, it is important to monitor and evaluate the performance of your marketing strategy on a regular basis. Review the KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) you’ve set and see if there are any changes you need to make.

9. Simplification and Customization

The best marketing technique in times of crisis is to simplify the offer.  Try to simplify your bids if possible. Offer more affordable or flexible options, and consider tailoring your offer to each customer’s needs.

10. Do Competitor Research

Marketing techniques in times of crisis that are forgotten is competitor analysis. Observe your competitors closely. What did they do during this recession? You can learn from their strategies or find loopholes they haven’t explored.

Try reading honest customer reviews about your competitors. Find their weak sides for you to learn in your business. There are always gaps that they haven’t done in terms of marketing.

11. Don’t Stop Innovating

Despite the recession, innovation is the key to long-term success. Keep looking for ways to improve your product or service to stay relevant in the market.

Think when the crisis period ends, your business must look more innovative and more attractive in seeking the attention of new consumers. That way you’re getting ahead.

12. Simplification of Human Resources

Evaluate the team, including marketing teams that produce positive impact and those that do not produce positive impact. Simplify human resources by cutting tasks that require large costs such as location development or market expansion.

When it’s too urgent, consider reducing employee pay over multiple pay periods. In an effort to survive times of crisis. But if the company has stabilized again, try to make up for the salary shortfall that was held in the last month.

13. Make All Your Employees Help Sales

When your business is getting worse, the last way you can do to extend the breath of your business is to make all your employees as sales.

At least they offer it to the closest people, family, friends or neighbors near their home. Cultivate a sense of ownership for the betterment of the company.

14. Do Classic Marketing

Use the closest offline marketing strategies, namely door to door offers, word of mouth, and direct offer letters. Go to every potential audience, build communication and offer your product.

Try to check the contact list on your phone, asking how they are doing one by one. Build genuine communication. Maybe they will ask about your product.

15. Create Social Issue Content

Raise social issues in your content, packaging it into interesting and entertaining content. It doesn’t need to be too serious, you just need to represent the feelings and circumstances of most people. For example, video content is difficult to find a job, or content writing experiences through a crisis.

By creating that social issue content, you will attract the attention of many people. At least your business will enter the memory of many people. Remember, slip in your branding and your products as smoothly as possible.


Facing a recession is challenging, but it can also be an opportunity to grow and strengthen your business. With a deep understanding of your customers, strong value, and a smart marketing strategy, you can weather the recession with more confidence and perhaps even grow amidst economic uncertainty.

Remember, these marketing techniques in times of crisis will help you provided you synergize with your team and do everything consistently.

Also Read : Top 10 Items To Have In An Economic Recession

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